Optimize Managed Print Service for Maximum Benefit
All businesses are looking for new and creative ways to save money and increase the overall productivity within their business. Managed Print Services programs allow for businesses to not only improve employee productivity, but to also cut costs on printed related expenses. Implementing Managed Print Services will help you begin to save, but there are a number of steps that you can take to ensure you are getting the maximum benefit from your Managed Print Services program.
Here are the steps to get started:
Conduct a Print Audit
Find out where the printing in your organization is going on. This allows you to cut down printing in areas that need it, saving you money and reducing your excess waste.
Analyze the Data
Once you have compiled all the data from your print audit, you must find out exactly where and why excess printing is taking place. Just because there is an area of your business that prints significantly higher volumes than others, doesn’t mean this is the area that you must cut. Find out what needs to be printed, and what can be saved for digital storage.
Put together a plan
Now that your data is collected and analyzed, you can formulate where to cut down printing.
Contact us today to learn more about how you can implement a Managed Print Services program and begin saving today with Annapolis Office Products!