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Get Your MPS Checklist

Managed Pring Services (MPS) is a structured program designed to provide a cohesive digital document strategy encompassing hardware, software and workflows. MPS has an overall goal of improving your organizations productivity.

In this checklist you’ll be able to gauge if your office would benefit from a Managed Print program. For instance:

  • How adequate are your IT resources?
  • How often do your document output devices experience downtime?
  • How environmentally friendly could your corporation potentially be?

The ever-changing complexity of information within an organization, its networks and devices is an added strain on IT resources. Outsourcing the management, support and maintenance of your document output can reduce:

  • Your printing and imaging capital costs
  • Operating costs and service levels
  • The burden on your internal IT resources

Fill out the form to get your free Managed Print Services Checklist today!

Annapolis Office Products | Maryland, Washington DC and Northern Virginia sign up form

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