5 Questions to Ask When Considering A Managed Print Services Solution

Being able to properly manage your print services within the office means more than just logistics of paper, toner, and being able to have a reliable budget to keep everything efficient. There are all sorts of strategies that can be implemented for the best possible approach to managing print, so you don’t have to worry so much about the technology in your multifunction printer or ensuring that everything is working for your business. In fact, there are five major questions you can ask yourself and your MPS provider to have an even better Managed Print Services strategy.
1. Where and how do you save money?
First things first, how can your business save money with Managed Print Services? Where exactly in the budget will you see a significant change in how you’re spending money each month? These are going to be the most important questions for any business, especially if you’re already working with a smaller budget and you need to find a way to be cost efficient. Fortunately, a proven Managed Print Services provider can tell you how and show you as well. That means saving money on paper, toner, software, and hardware.
2. Is this the hardware you need?
You need to ask this question to see if the provider will sell you the right kind of hardware for your business needs, rather than trying to up sell a product that might be too much both budget wise and efficiency wise. That even means the provider you select could potentially maintain a competitor’s product, all for the sake of making sure that you get what you truly need out of the deal.
3. What growth will you see from MPS?
Next to saving money, being able to grow the business as a whole with the right kind of equipment is another huge priority that you may be wondering about. Why not ask the provider what kind of growth and return on investment you will see from managed print services? If they can’t provide a true, valuable answer such as better efficiency and protection for important data, then it might be time to find another provider.
4. What kind of support do you offer?
Speaking of growth and streamlining business processes, what kind of support should you expect once everything is set up and ready to go? Being able to have some kind of support for all of this new infrastructure, even if some of it is remote, is better than nothing at all and having to deal with the ramp up entirely by yourself.
5. How is mobile handled in MPS?
Finally this is a very important question for the modern office to round off this list. Mobile devices are increasingly becoming the norm for any kind of business because of their ease of use as well as employees all having their own device they normally bring into work. How can this influx be handled, along with the Managed Print Services program? The provider should have all of the right answers.
Being prepared with the questions to ask all Managed Print Services providers is the best way to understand the entire concept as well as being ready for your own strategy when it comes time to integrate something for your office. That way, you can have the budget in place as well as be completely ready for the growth that will come with Managed Print Services. Ask these questions and get all of the answers you need for a better decision on MPS.
Click here to find out how your business can save up to 30% in print costs in 30 days:
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